Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Things to come or not to come......

Lots of thinking going on lately..... Future plans, possibilities, wants, and needs. Many times I have wondered to myself what could happen in the next 5 years..... Well, I want another baby, I want to move out of Cody, I want to start my life again. I want a career(passion) and I have not been able to figure out where to start and go....

Well, my starting line may have just been put right in my face. My husband has been hiding something from  me.... His mother has offered a couple times to turn over her house payments to us and we get the house. We could actually leave this tiny town that has just about killed us. My husband would have to first see if he could get transferred, then we would need to finish the house and either sell it or rent it. We would then move down to Colorado and if my husband got the store manager job with a Pizza Hut down there, we would have a start.

I can't believe how this could so easily fall into place if we get it started. I hope for my family's sake that things go great for us. So, until we find out about this whole Pizza Hut thing...... I am keeping my thoughts positive and hoping for the best.